Palmer Communications

"This was one of the most rewarding professional development experiences I've had in over 20 years in my field. The instructors were warm, supportive, and extremely skilled in delivering the subject matter. I LOVED the combination of discussion and actual writing prompts and found the workshopping to be super effective....I felt my writing get better with each assignment....I wish I could take the class again right now!"

•CASE Development Writing Conference participant

​​​​​​​​​​Where is Tracey speaking next?

upcoming events

​Check back here for 2024/25 events!

past events

AGN, Writing Direct Appeals Workshop, April 2023


"This has truly been the best conference I've ever attended. Proof? This morning I met with a donor before the conference started. I'd already planned to present her with a $25,000 outright gift proposal. However, last night I reworked my pitch using tips and phrases we discussed during the day (or rather, avoiding phrases we'd discussed during the day!) The meeting went wonderfully! She agreed to the proposal on the spot, signed gift agreements and intent forms....Thank you for teaching us so vibrantly!"

•CASE Development Writing Conference participant​

"Without teachers like you, who give so willingly of their time and expertise, CASE would not provide the high quality education for which it is known throughout the world. For setting such high professional standards and for giving of yourself

in service to the profession, we are all in your debt."

•Sue Cunningham, CASE President & CEO

"I always thought of myself as a creative person and writer, and I haven’t been using those talents as much as I could. Your seminar made me realize how powerful good writing can be!
I feel refreshed and inspired to be more thoughtful in my writing and I think it will help."

Associate Director of Leadership and Planned Giving, Museum of Science Boston


Tracey Palmer gets rave reviews...and results!

She is a CASE Crystal Apple award winner for outstanding teaching and a CASE Laureate.

Are you ready learn how to use the power of storytelling to advance your nonprofit? Do you want to improve your communication skills and write more persuasively to raise more money?

Tracey would love to share what she's learned in a workshop customized for your organization. Join the thousands who have benefitted from her customized workshops, coaching and presentations.

Contact Palmer Communications.